FOHG, the Germantown History Department, the Germantown Library, the Germantown Archaeology Project (via Bard College), and others bring to the public rich digital and physical resources for the study of Germantown, Clermont, and Livingston’s history and families. Within this page are links to different digital repositories, resources, and information on accessing the physical archives & more.


Click the links under each category for more information.

This page is a work in progress. Let us know if you are or have any resources we can list and if there is any misinformation, errors, or you want to be excluded.

Below this section are featured resources we thought could be fun exploring :)


BGC Symposium—Revealing Communities

The Archaeology of Free African Americans in the Nineteenth Century; February 7, 2020

Germantown’s Parsonage: Centering Spirituality in a Nineteenth-Century African American Community; Christoph Lindner, Speaker


Bard Archaeology: Palatine Archaeohistory

A film on Bard Archaeology Field School, Summer 2017; Christoph Lindner, Kate O’Connor, & Harrison Kroessler, Creators